Pocket Woodlands® Methodology
Examples of the Pocket Woodlands design concept.
Raised planting bed or berm, a key element of a Pocket Woodlands design, provides loose, aerated soil
Three different species of trees for interest and seasonal variety
Younger trees, so they will establish more quickly and live their full, natural lifespan
Varied assortment of shrubs for seasonal focus
Defines and emphasizes entrance/walkway
Ease of maintenance
Ornamental rocks
Ground covers and bulbs
Flexibility – can be added to as it evolves or as new ideas arise
Succession of older and younger plants for continuity
Natural statement/landscape feature
Healthy plants result from focusing on root health
Here we see two small, basic Pocket Woodlands features (6ft x 7ft) around a sitting area, one behind and one in front of the sitting bench. Each has a combination of three young trees/shrubs. This works in a space of almost any size, including a small yard, and yet still gives the impression of being amongst nature or in a woodland area, especially as the plants mature
In this estate garden a Pocket Woodlands concept joined two isolated, existing plants to form a landscape feature with two young Elms in the centre and other shrubs for seasonal effect.