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Woodland gardens change the importance of ‘tidy’ and ‘design’

When our city gardens and naturalized public spaces are subject to the formal expectation of being tidied and designed then we interfere with nature's ability to establish a healthy and balanced green space for us to enjoy. However, a naturalized space is both designed and tidy but not to the visual expectations we to describe a ‘cared’ for space – especially when it is young and established. However, once trees, shrubs and perennials are established there are only seasonally important times we would minimally remove material from the space such as invasive seedlings (Norway and Manitoba Maple, Buckthorn or Virginia creeper, etc) so that the plants we have selected to become balanced together do not become out-competed by more vigorous ‘intruders’. Initially, naturalized spaces require care till they are established but then the time and work needed to keep them attractive and functional becomes a lot less than traditional spaces – largely because our expectations and ‘standards’ of what is ‘cared’ for space change. 

Lawns can be part of landscape design where there is sufficient direct light for grass to grow (Fescue types) and be able to endure foot traffic. Otherwise, most of the naturalized area will have leaf matter and mulch on its surface or flat stones set in the soil as stepping paths or sitting areas for us to enjoy being in the space. It is essential that the leaves become the food for the soil so if they are collected for aesthetic reasons then mulch them and return them to the soil to enable the roots to remain healthy and the soil aerated. However, it is preferable to leave them where they fall so that worms, in particular, can come to the soil surface and create air channels through to the deeper layers of soil. Darwin’s final paper was about how the worms he had studied for decades had been the creators of the soils we rely on all over the world. We know now that it is also the mycorrhizae which are fundamental for the plant to access sufficient water and nutrients and they also rely on organic matter as a food source. When we know the value of leaves to the soil we become able to enjoy including them in the landscapes we create and so what is ‘tidy’ changes. 


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