Lara A Roman, 2014-Jun 26, Scenario Journal
The essay discusses street tree mortality in terms of demographic concepts and advocates for the application of these approaches in urban forest planning. Based on an old article, it is said that the lifespan of an urban tree is 32 years and a more recent study shows that it is 13 years. Further calculations on current trends show that it would be around 7 years eventually. It is necessary to monitor the mortality rates of trees in the urban context. The added costs of replanting are high and if tree mortalities are taken care of, these finances can be used for other benefits of the city. The study also monitors the population of these tree clusters across US cities and their changing trends. More studies to support the cause are required to improve the tools available for urban forest managers to plan ahead, embedding their planting campaigns within the population dynamics of cultivated city landscapes.
Tags: Tree mortality